Wills Wing Hang Glider
Sport 2 155
for FS9/FS2002

Thank you for downloading this aircraft designed with gMax by David Rowberry.
Audio vario by kind permission of Max Roodveldt.


The file contains two models, both with animated pilots, one landable the other prone.
The landable model has an auto launch system which should take you to about 1500ft.The system is controlled by fuel quantity so if you require a cliff or mountain takeoff, just set the fuel to 1lb.which is enough for a few running steps.


If you enjoy this, and would like a customised model of YOU flying YOUR OWN
hang glider please contact me.



Either unzip to a temporary folder, (and then transfer them) or straight to your Flt Sim AIRCRAFT folder ,but dont forget to transfer the CONTENTS of the "gauge" folder to the main GAUGES folder.

The following lines must be part of the fs2002/fs9.cfg file (it's in the main fs2002/fs9 folder)


Open the fs2002/fs9.cfg file with Wordpad and check - if they are not there (from a previous add-on) add these lines and save or you wan't be able to hear the audio-vario and you'll get an error message when starting up the sim. The location of the FS9.cfg file will vary depending on your Windows version, so it might be best to do a search for it .

In the MODULES folder of the FS there must be the following files


If you dont have these files,I have included them in the folder marked "dll files"



The only instrument you have is the vario, for airspeed youll either have to judge the wind noise (when it goes quiet you`ve stalled!)or hit Shift+Z.
The round red button on the vario is on/off/volume, while the upper switch toggles audio on up only and audio on up and down.

Choose the "landable pilot", select fuel quantity (5 lbs equals approx 1500ft), start the
"winch"(Ctrl+E) , hit Shift+Z (airspeed),release the brakes, advance full throttle and select Gear-UP, try to climb out at about 35 Knots, when the fuel runs out, level off and go and find a thermal,(I use Cross-Country Soaring 2004 from...http://x-c.home.att.net.) or pick your landing zone (I always use the helicopter square), and try for that perfect stalled landing.
If you prefer to fly from an external view switch to the "prone pilot", but dont forget to switch back for landing.


This is my first attempt at designing and there is such a lot to learn, so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or constructive criticisms at.....


Thanks to Max Roodveldt for the kind use of his vario
Special thanks to Dennis who came to my aid in my darkest hour.

I have flown and tested this model in fs2002/fs9 without any problems, however, although there is nothing in this programme that will harm your computer, usage of this program is entirely at your own risk I can not be held responsible for any damage, real or percieved it might cause to your system.


This is a Freeware aircraft do not use or redistribute any of these files in any comercial way without my prior consent and approval .


Have fun
Dave R